Despite being launched in Aditya Chopra’s Mohabbatein (2000) followed by a jig in the chartbuster Sharara Sharara in Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai (2002), Shamita Shetty’s career never really took off. Now elder sister Shilpa Shetty, who starts her production house this year, is planning a project especially for Shamita to put her career on track.The Shamita project would be Shilpa’s second home-production, after the one featuring Shilpa. Writers have been put on to the job of finding the proper vehicle to relaunch Shamita. Says Shilpa, “Enough is enough. I’ve realised my sister is just not pushy enough to get a proper place out here. I had the same attitude and I allowed my career to suffer.”
Award time now
Adds the actress, “Would you believe I got my first award ever (for Best Supporting Actress in Life In A Metro) in London last week after all these years! It felt good. Things didn’t happen fast enough for my career. But I’m in a position to make them happen for my sister.”The Shamita project will go on the floors right after Shilpa completes her first home production. And the actress will not feature in it.Shilpa is back in Mumbai after shooting for an item song for Karan Johar’s Dostana, directed by Tarun Mansukhani.
She now begins shooting with Sunny Deol for The Man. Deol is also directing the film.“I’ve worked repeatedly with Sunny as an actor. Now to watch him direct is a pleasure to treasure. I knew Sunny had it in him. It was only a matter of time,” says Shilpa who’s currently neck-deep in pre-production .“I never knew production was so tough! It’s like producing a baby!” exclaims Shilpa