Thursday, August 14, 2008

Selena's Facebook Updates!

Upcoming appearance

Yesterday at 10:06pm
I just wanted to let you all know I will be at the Glendale Galleria August 16th from around 10am to 1pm. I don't know the exact times yet sorry.

I will be there to help get you all excited about UR Votes Count campaign. I know a lot of us are too young to vote but, we will be of age soon and we should learn about this stuff now so when are time comes were ready.

To learn more about the campaign go to

I hope to see you all at the Glendale Galleria this Saturday!

NEW PHONE NUMBER!!!!! 214-306-9590

Yesterday at 2:56pm
Hey Everyone--

I got a new cell phone number to use just for you guys!!!!

So be sure to call me and leave me messages I will be caling you all soon!!!

God Bless,

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