Film Kal Kissne Dekha lead actor Jackky Bhagnani and multi Oscar winning film Slumdog Millionaire child actors Azharuddin Mohammed Ismail (youngest Saleem) and Rubina Ali (youngest Latika) were shooting a scene of the film Kal Kissne Dekha at CSI Airport in Mumbai last night.
With Kal Kissne Dekha, the hunk and future of Bollywood, son of the famous producer Vashu Bhagnani, Jackky is all set to begin his maiden journey. In Kal Kissne Dekha, Jackky is paired with newcomer Vaishali Desai, grand daughter of Manmohan Desai. The Film is set to storm the Cinema Halls this April.
This is for the first time when these child actors shall be seen on the silver screen in “Kal Kissne Dekha” after the critically acclaimed movie Slumdog Millionaire.