Sunday, January 17, 2010

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Asetil salisilat acid, aspirin active material, which is used to treat headaches or pain, the berpontensi reduce the risk of death for cancer patients kolon (large intestine).
Previous research also shows aspirin can prevent heart attack and stroke. Kolon in cancer prevention, aspirin is known to prevent the useful side effect of cancer, such as bleeding du to irritation in the stomach or indigestion channel.

All respondents have the operation and also chemotherapy. 549 respoden from the mengonsumsi aspirin regularly after exposure of cancer, only 81 people who died (15 percent). Amount of contrast when compared with 730 who did not drink aspirin and 141 of them die (about 19 per cent).When the other factors considered, such as family history, experts estimate the benefits of aspirin have a 20 percent to reduce the risk of death due to cancer. To avoid the risk of cancer, people dihimbau mengonsumsi food that berkadar high fiber, such as vegetables, fruits, whole-grain cereal, and beans.

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