Thursday, February 5, 2009

Alicia strips for Peta's sake

Naked truth ... Alicia Silverstone

Naked truth ... Alicia Silverstone

ALICIA SILVERSTONE has been off my radar for a while but she knows how to get attention for a cause that is dear to her.

The Clueless actress took off all her clothes for a new advert for the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) promoting their website

It starts off with a dripping wet Alicia pulling herself out of a swimming pool with nothing but her arms to hide her modesty.

She then poses by the pool while the camera hones in on her bum and face.

She says over the film: "I'm Alicia Silverstone, and I'm a vegetarian".

I am Alicia Silverstone and I am a vegetarian. My dog is also vegan and has stopped farting tremendously.

Ok, so maybe we made up the last line or maybe…it was edited before the photo went to press.

Not long ago, Alicia Silverstone said in an interview with Graham Norton that she switched her dogs to a vegan diet and since then, they don’t have nearly as much gas.

While starting a veg diet may do the opposite for humans until they adjust, Silverstone’s dogs have done quite well. “All four of my dogs are vegan, they don’t fart anymore,” she said.

Silverstone has been very passionate about spreading the veg news, including working with Peta.

Note: While dogs can do well with vegan diets, it is not recommended for cats, since essential nutrients they need, such as taurine, are found in meat products. Cats are carnivores at heart. We also don’t advise giving your dog Beano unless a vet’s ok’d it. This was brought to you today by Vegetarian Star Public Service Announcement for Cat and Dog Health.

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